Events at Adyar that are arranged for the SOW participants during the course weeks

FACILITATOR: Ms Jaishree Kannan

ONSITE EVENT: dates in description

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TIME: 7 PM to 8 PM

For SOW participants

Location: Blavatsky Bungalow upstairs, Adyar

Mantra Language: Sanskrit

In this workshop, you will learn a shanti mantra in Sanskrit Language. Shanti Mantras or “Peace Mantras” are Hindu prayers or sacred utterances usually chanted at the beginning or at the end of a Vedic ceremony invoking peace. 

We will follow the sacred ancient Vedic methodology of teaching a chant, including mnemonic techniques. Hence there is no need of any stationery or  electronic gadgets for the sessions. 

Learning from listening and chanting will be encouraged.

At the end of the workshop, each one of the participants will be able to chant a mantra!

Jaishree Kannan

Jaishree Kannan

is a member of the Theosophical Society and a long-time resident of the TS in Adyar. She is interested in music and has been practising chanting for many years. Of late, she has been combining music/chanting with Theosophical Teachings in the form of singing, and lectures to interested audiences.

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FACILITATOR: Mr Shikhar Agnihotri

ONSITE EVENT: dates in description

POSTER: click to enlarge

A contemplative walk through nature and around the sacred surroundings of the Theosophical Society headquarters is a unique experience. It certainly qualifies as a "Life-changing moment." Since Blavatsky and Olcott first arrived at this location in 1882, it has had a profound impact and significance in the TS. Along with having a strong spiritual influence, the ashram also functions as a sort of "green lung" for Chennai owing to its unusual geology and topography, which is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Welcome to the Master's Home.
During the walk, participants are kindly advised to wear sun protector, comfortable clothes, shoes and headwear, as well as to bring a bottle of water.

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