Courses that are finished. Recordings and course material are available for enrolled users.

FACILITATOR: Dr Barbara Hebert
: March 2023, 6 classes

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How, What, and Why - detailed discussion on Compassion.

Compassion is discussed throughout the theosophical literature, yet we rarely discuss the details of it. How do we learn to be compassionate? What does it require from us? Why should we be compassionate?

This interactive course will delve into the various aspects of compassion and will include a combination of lectures, round-table discussions, meditations, and practice. 

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FACILITATOR: Dr Sadananda Das

COURSE HELD: Nov 5 - Dec 17, 2022

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Sanskrit is regarded as one of the most ancient and richest languages in the world. It is the treasure house of Wisdom. In order to understand ancient India, its literature, culture, traditions, philosophy, religions especially Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism and Indian spirituality, knowledge of Sanskrit is essential.

The six lectures that are organized here include the following topics:  

1) a detailed Introduction to this language, its alphabets and pronunciation; 

2) the relevance of Sanskrit studies in current time; 

3) introduction to Vedic and classical Sanskrit literature; 

4) Sanskrit as a divine and spiritual language, its beautiful poetry; 

5) why should we learn Sanskrit and its beautiful literature; and 

6) an introduction to Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam.


Dt Sadananda Das

Dr Sadananda Das 

Dr Sadanada Das after obtaining a traditional Shastri degree (B.A.) from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, received Masters and Ph. D. degrees from the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune. From 1993 to 1996, he worked as a Junior Research fellow in Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts at Varanasi Branch. From 1997 to 2000 he worked as a Research Assistant and from 2000 till  March 2005 as a Research Officer in Alice Boner Institute, Varanasi. He received the German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship and visited Tübingen University, Germany in connection with his research on the Atharvaveda in 1996.

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COURSE HELD: In July 2022

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An 8-session course on introductory theosophy, designed for people who not yet be familiar with theosophy. The topics covered would include an overview of theosophy, levels of human consciousness, life after death, reincarnation, karma, the existence of perfected human beings, the Path, and applied theosophy. Each session will be for two hours, covering lectures and discussions. 


Vic Hao Chin Jr

Vicente Hao Chin, Jr 

is one of the world’s most distinguished Theosophists. Past president of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines and founder and chairman of the Golden Link School. He is the author of “Why Meditate?” and The Process of  Self-Transformation: Mastery of the Self and Awakening of Our Higher Potentials. He also compiled, edited, and published the chronological edition of The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett and is editor of Theosophical Digest, published in the  Philippines, and associate editor of Theosopedia: The Internet Theosophical Encyclopedia. This interview was conducted during his visit to the Olcott campus in February 2012. 

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