Available courses

DATES: October 2-13, 2023 at Adyar

FACILITATORDr William Wilson Quinn

VENUE: International Headquarters, Adyar

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This course is predicated upon the immemorial core or “first” principles of the universal philosophia perennis, or theosophy, which finds expression from Lao Tzu to Ramana Maharshi in the East and from Pythagoras to H.P. Blavatsky and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy in the West.

Facilitator Willian Quinn

Place at Adyar, India

This course takes place at Adyar, the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Chennai, India. The course is not broadcasted online. Recordings will be made for later study.

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DATES: November 13-24, 2023 - at Adyar

FACIL'TORS: Dr Jayandra Soni & Dr Luitgard Soni

VENUE: International Headquarters, Adyar

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You need to Apply for this course to attend it at Adyar. By logging as user you see more content.

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The aim of the course is to highlight Jain's contributions in the context of Hinduism and Buddhism. One key theory accepted by all these 3 indigenous streams is the karma and rebirth theory. This in particular needs some explanation because each of the streams interprets the theory in its own way. For example, the Jainas see karma as fine, invisible subtle particles of matter which become associated with the sentient self (jīva) and influence it positively or negatively.

Place at Adyar, India

This course takes place at the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, Chennai, India. The course is not broadcasted online. Recordings will be made for later study.


J and L Soni

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DATES: January 16-26, 2024 - At Adyar

FACILITATOR: Prof. Emeritus Ravi Ravindra

VENUE: International Headquarters, Adyar

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While the courses are primarily offered for FREE FOR MEMBERS of The Theosophical Society, NON-MEMBERS can still access the course by paying a fee of 50 USD or Rs.2000 (India).

APPLICATION: if you have not yet applied, click here

Non-members will receive a payment link after the approved application.

In this session, we shall explore the themes of love and death in the great spiritual traditions. 

According to the great sages—especially as enunciated in the  Gospels and the Bhagavad Gita—it is much more important that I am loved by the Christ or by Krishna or by God than that I love them. When I am loved by them, they reveal themselves to me in their true nature, not as I, conditioned by my cultural background, imagine them to be. Then the subtle conscious energy can dwell in me and assist me to live with compassion and truth in the service of the whole life on the planet Earth. What is required from the human side is for each one of us to become more and more loveable by God.

Every human being is interested in the meaning of one’s existence and wonders what happens to me when my body dies. Does anything survive and how? In the Indian spiritual teachings, unlike in the Abrahamic ones, there is a great deal of emphasis on reincarnation. In the Abrahamic traditions each individual has a unique birth and unique death eternally. We will explore the consequences of these cultural differences.

Ravi Ravindra

Prof.Emeritus Ravi Ravindra is a life member of the Theosophical Society.  He has taught many courses in the School of the Wisdom in Adyar and in the Krotona School of Theosophy in Ojai, California. He is Professor Emeritus at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, where he had taught in three departments-- Physics, Philosophy and Comparative Religion.  He is the author of many books; among them are Science and the Sacred; Krishnamurti: Two Birds on One Tree; The Wisdom of Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras; The Bhagavad Gita: A Guide to Navigating the Battle of Life. And he is the co-author of Theory of Seismic Head Waves.

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FACILITATOR: Erica Georgiades

ONLINE: 2024 from 3rd March until 7th April

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TIME: 16:30 Athens, 2:30 PM UTC/GMT, change on 17 March to 1:30 PM UTC/GMT)
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While the courses are primarily offered for FREE FOR MEMBERS of The Theosophical Society, NON-MEMBERS can still access the course by paying a fee of 50 USD or Rs.2000 (India).


Non-members will receive a payment link after the approved application.

Blavatsky's most widely read book, The Voice of the Silence, has profound significance in mystical literature. This series of six online classes will explore its practical aspects and delve deeply into its timeless wisdom. Our journey begins with an introduction to The Voice, exploring the path that opens only to those who long for union with the Divine; and its intricate connection to the self. We will delve into Blavatsky's interpretation of knowledge, truth, belief, and enlightenment challenging conventional wisdom and revealing a transcendental epistemology. In addition, we will look into the mystical experiences described in The Voice, and the relationship between sense impressions and higher states of consciousness. Ultimately, we will discover that The Voice of the Silence is not a mere booklet but a treasure trove of practical wisdom uncovering a transformative power for those who dare to listen to the soundless sound.



Erica Georgiades

Erica Georgiades

Erica Georgiades is the Director of The School of Wisdom; also of The European School of Theosophy and the secretary of the International Theosophical History Conferences. She is also the Vice-President of The Theosophical Society in Greece. She has been a member of the Theosophical Society Adyar since 1991.  From 1994 to 1996, she worked on a volunteer basis at the Adyar Archives, Chennai, India.

She is  MRes Religious Experience Candidate at the UWTSD; she holds a PgD (Merit) in Ancient Mediterranean Religions UWTSD and a  BA (Honours) in Philosophy and Psychological Studies (Open). She lives with her husband and daughter in Greece. She is also a deep ecologist and animal-rights activist. 

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FACILITATOR: Ricardo Lindemann

ONLINE 2024: May 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20 - 2 hours

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TIME: 1:30 PM GMT, 7:00 PM IST (India), 10:30 AM Brazil
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While the courses are primarily offered for FREE FOR MEMBERS of The Theosophical Society, NON-MEMBERS can still access the course by paying a fee of 50 USD or Rs.2000 (India).

Non-members will receive a payment link after the approved application.


Objective: To free the human being from suffering.

The course has six classes which you see when logged in as a user.

Ricardo Lindemann

Ricardo Lindemann 

holds a PhD in Science of Religion (Federal University Juiz de Fora. His PhD thesis focused on Yoga Philosophy. He also holds an MPhil in Religion (Federal University of Brasilia). In 1982 graduated as Civil Engineer, and in 1988 he graduated in Philosophy. Since 2003 he has been the President of the Union of Astrologers of the Federal District of Brazil. A member of the Theosophical Society since 1979. Former member of the General Council of ST (1999 - 2013); former Secretary General of ST in Brazil (1999-2008); former Secretary of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation (1991). He is an international speaker, having lectured in more than 20 countries. He also has facilitated two sessions of The School of Wisdom, Adyar 1996 and 2011). He has been a Buddhist since 1995 and Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church since 2008. He is also the author of The Science of Astrology and the Mysteries Schools and Co-author of The Wisdom-Tradition. He translated The Bhagavad-Gîtâ and At the Feet of the Master into Portuguese.

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ONLINE: June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 2024 
FACILITATOR: Prof. P. Krishna
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TIME 1.5 hours: 8.00 PM IST (India time), 2:30 PM UTC/GMT (Universal time)
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While the courses are primarily offered for FREE FOR MEMBERS of The Theosophical Society, NON-MEMBERS can still access the course by paying a fee of 50 USD or Rs.2000 (India).


Non-members will receive a payment link after the approved application.


Human beings have evolved different approaches to truth, called Philosophy, Religion and Science. These are often regarded as different specialized branches that are sometimes antagonistic to one another. 

One of the objectives of Theosophy has been to integrate these  three into a single Quest for Wisdom. In this school we shall consider whether it is possible to regard the three approaches as complimentary to each other and assisting one another for a more holistic perception of truth.


P KrishnaProf. P. KRISHNA 

is a Trustee of the Krishnamurti Foundation India, staying at the Rajghat Education Center in Varanasi, India. He was the Rector of the center and Principal of the Rajghat Besant School from 1986 to 2002.

As a trustee of the Foundation, he continues to be involved with its activities. He has written articles and books on various issues relating to the teachings of J. Krishnamurti .

He has also delivered lectures on Education, Science and Society to varied audiences. He is an Honorary scientist and Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, as well as the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.

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FACILITADOR: Otavio Ernesto Marchesini

EN LÍNEA 2024Enero: 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22

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HORA: 14:00 Brazil Time, 5:00 PM UTC/GMT
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Aunque los cursos se ofrecen principalmente de forma GRATUITA PARA LOS MIEMBROS de La Sociedad Teosófica, quienes  NO son MIEMBROS pueden acceder al curso pagando una cuota de 50 USD o 2000 rupias (India).
Aquellos que no sean miembros recibirán un enlace de pago tras la aprobación de la solicitud.

A partir de la literatura teosófica, considerando los objetivos de la Sociedad Teosófica y el propósito para el cual ella fue fundada, este curso se enfoca en la investigación de las posibles Dimensiones del Trabajo Teosófico, adentrándose en una búsqueda de lo que es la Vida, el Ser y la Existencia, como ejes de convergencia con la Teosofía. Inspirados en la Misión de la Sociedad Teosófica, abordaremos estas dimensiones en cuatro etapas complementarias, que apuntan a la Vida Externa, la Vida Interna y la Vida Una, buscando una mejor comprensión y realización de lo que puede ser la Vida Teosófica, así llamados: a) Cultivo de la Vida Interior; b) Sacralizar la Vida Cotidiana; c) Despertar a la Vida Una; d) La Vida Teosófica. Conectando, por lo tanto, teoría y práctica, el curso se propone a profundizar las percepciones sobre la Vida y el sentido del Vivir, en la realización de la Teosofía.


Otavio ErnestoOtavio Ernesto Marchesini

es brasileño, abogado y profesor. Es especialista en Teoría General del Derecho y cuenta con experiencia docente en áreas de Derecho Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Filosofía del Derecho. Miembro de la Sociedad Teosófica desde 2003, donde actúa a lo largo de los años, habiendo presidido las Logias Liberación y Paraná, ubicadas en la Ciudad de Curitiba (PR), así como la Fundación Centro Teosófico Raja. También se desempeñó como Coordinador Regional Sur de la Sociedad Teosófica en Brasil. Actualmente es el Secretario General de la Sección Brasileña de la Sociedad Teosófica. Dedica su investigación a las causas del encarcelamiento de la conciencia humana y los medios para obtener la liberación.

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FACILITATOR: Dr Barbara Hebert
: March 2023, 6 classes

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How, What, and Why - detailed discussion on Compassion.

Compassion is discussed throughout the theosophical literature, yet we rarely discuss the details of it. How do we learn to be compassionate? What does it require from us? Why should we be compassionate?

This interactive course will delve into the various aspects of compassion and will include a combination of lectures, round-table discussions, meditations, and practice. 

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FACILITATOR: Dr Sadananda Das

COURSE HELD: Nov 5 - Dec 17, 2022

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Sanskrit is regarded as one of the most ancient and richest languages in the world. It is the treasure house of Wisdom. In order to understand ancient India, its literature, culture, traditions, philosophy, religions especially Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism and Indian spirituality, knowledge of Sanskrit is essential.

The six lectures that are organized here include the following topics:  

1) a detailed Introduction to this language, its alphabets and pronunciation; 

2) the relevance of Sanskrit studies in current time; 

3) introduction to Vedic and classical Sanskrit literature; 

4) Sanskrit as a divine and spiritual language, its beautiful poetry; 

5) why should we learn Sanskrit and its beautiful literature; and 

6) an introduction to Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam.


Dt Sadananda Das

Dr Sadananda Das 

Dr Sadanada Das after obtaining a traditional Shastri degree (B.A.) from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, received Masters and Ph. D. degrees from the Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune. From 1993 to 1996, he worked as a Junior Research fellow in Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts at Varanasi Branch. From 1997 to 2000 he worked as a Research Assistant and from 2000 till  March 2005 as a Research Officer in Alice Boner Institute, Varanasi. He received the German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship and visited Tübingen University, Germany in connection with his research on the Atharvaveda in 1996.

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COURSE HELD: In July 2022

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An 8-session course on introductory theosophy, designed for people who not yet be familiar with theosophy. The topics covered would include an overview of theosophy, levels of human consciousness, life after death, reincarnation, karma, the existence of perfected human beings, the Path, and applied theosophy. Each session will be for two hours, covering lectures and discussions. 


Vic Hao Chin Jr

Vicente Hao Chin, Jr 

is one of the world’s most distinguished Theosophists. Past president of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines and founder and chairman of the Golden Link School. He is the author of “Why Meditate?” and The Process of  Self-Transformation: Mastery of the Self and Awakening of Our Higher Potentials. He also compiled, edited, and published the chronological edition of The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett and is editor of Theosophical Digest, published in the  Philippines, and associate editor of Theosopedia: The Internet Theosophical Encyclopedia. This interview was conducted during his visit to the Olcott campus in February 2012. 

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FACILITATOR: Ms Jaishree Kannan

ONSITE EVENT: dates in description

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TIME: 7 PM to 8 PM

For SOW participants

Location: Blavatsky Bungalow upstairs, Adyar

Mantra Language: Sanskrit

In this workshop, you will learn a shanti mantra in Sanskrit Language. Shanti Mantras or “Peace Mantras” are Hindu prayers or sacred utterances usually chanted at the beginning or at the end of a Vedic ceremony invoking peace. 

We will follow the sacred ancient Vedic methodology of teaching a chant, including mnemonic techniques. Hence there is no need of any stationery or  electronic gadgets for the sessions. 

Learning from listening and chanting will be encouraged.

At the end of the workshop, each one of the participants will be able to chant a mantra!

Jaishree Kannan

Jaishree Kannan

is a member of the Theosophical Society and a long-time resident of the TS in Adyar. She is interested in music and has been practising chanting for many years. Of late, she has been combining music/chanting with Theosophical Teachings in the form of singing, and lectures to interested audiences.

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FACILITATOR: Mr Shikhar Agnihotri

ONSITE EVENT: dates in description

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A contemplative walk through nature and around the sacred surroundings of the Theosophical Society headquarters is a unique experience. It certainly qualifies as a "Life-changing moment." Since Blavatsky and Olcott first arrived at this location in 1882, it has had a profound impact and significance in the TS. Along with having a strong spiritual influence, the ashram also functions as a sort of "green lung" for Chennai owing to its unusual geology and topography, which is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Welcome to the Master's Home.
During the walk, participants are kindly advised to wear sun protector, comfortable clothes, shoes and headwear, as well as to bring a bottle of water.

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