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DATES: November 13-24, 2023 - at Adyar

FACIL'TORS: Dr Jayandra Soni & Dr Luitgard Soni

VENUE: International Headquarters, Adyar

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The aim of the course is to highlight Jain's contributions in the context of Hinduism and Buddhism. One key theory accepted by all these 3 indigenous streams is the karma and rebirth theory. This in particular needs some explanation because each of the streams interprets the theory in its own way. For example, the Jainas see karma as fine, invisible subtle particles of matter which become associated with the sentient self (jīva) and influence it positively or negatively.

Place at Adyar, India

This course takes place at the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, Chennai, India. The course is not broadcasted online. Recordings will be made for later study.


J and L Soni

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