Courses at Adyar in-person

DATES: October 2-13, 2023 at Adyar

FACILITATORDr William Wilson Quinn

VENUE: International Headquarters, Adyar

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This course is predicated upon the immemorial core or “first” principles of the universal philosophia perennis, or theosophy, which finds expression from Lao Tzu to Ramana Maharshi in the East and from Pythagoras to H.P. Blavatsky and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy in the West.

Facilitator Willian Quinn

Place at Adyar, India

This course takes place at Adyar, the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Chennai, India. The course is not broadcasted online. Recordings will be made for later study.

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DATES: November 13-24, 2023 - at Adyar

FACIL'TORS: Dr Jayandra Soni & Dr Luitgard Soni

VENUE: International Headquarters, Adyar

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You need to Apply for this course to attend it at Adyar. By logging as user you see more content.

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The aim of the course is to highlight Jain's contributions in the context of Hinduism and Buddhism. One key theory accepted by all these 3 indigenous streams is the karma and rebirth theory. This in particular needs some explanation because each of the streams interprets the theory in its own way. For example, the Jainas see karma as fine, invisible subtle particles of matter which become associated with the sentient self (jīva) and influence it positively or negatively.

Place at Adyar, India

This course takes place at the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, Chennai, India. The course is not broadcasted online. Recordings will be made for later study.


J and L Soni

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DATES: January 16-26, 2024 - At Adyar

FACILITATOR: Prof. Emeritus Ravi Ravindra

VENUE: International Headquarters, Adyar

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While the courses are primarily offered for FREE FOR MEMBERS of The Theosophical Society, NON-MEMBERS can still access the course by paying a fee of 50 USD or Rs.2000 (India).

APPLICATION: if you have not yet applied, click here

Non-members will receive a payment link after the approved application.

In this session, we shall explore the themes of love and death in the great spiritual traditions. 

According to the great sages—especially as enunciated in the  Gospels and the Bhagavad Gita—it is much more important that I am loved by the Christ or by Krishna or by God than that I love them. When I am loved by them, they reveal themselves to me in their true nature, not as I, conditioned by my cultural background, imagine them to be. Then the subtle conscious energy can dwell in me and assist me to live with compassion and truth in the service of the whole life on the planet Earth. What is required from the human side is for each one of us to become more and more loveable by God.

Every human being is interested in the meaning of one’s existence and wonders what happens to me when my body dies. Does anything survive and how? In the Indian spiritual teachings, unlike in the Abrahamic ones, there is a great deal of emphasis on reincarnation. In the Abrahamic traditions each individual has a unique birth and unique death eternally. We will explore the consequences of these cultural differences.

Ravi Ravindra

Prof.Emeritus Ravi Ravindra is a life member of the Theosophical Society.  He has taught many courses in the School of the Wisdom in Adyar and in the Krotona School of Theosophy in Ojai, California. He is Professor Emeritus at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, where he had taught in three departments-- Physics, Philosophy and Comparative Religion.  He is the author of many books; among them are Science and the Sacred; Krishnamurti: Two Birds on One Tree; The Wisdom of Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras; The Bhagavad Gita: A Guide to Navigating the Battle of Life. And he is the co-author of Theory of Seismic Head Waves.

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