Aim of The School of the Wisdom

The School of the Wisdom aims at bringing each student to survey life ‘from the centre’, which is intuitive awareness. There can be no Wisdom without an ever-increasing sense of Wonder. Essential in the progress towards Wisdom is a growing intimacy with all aspects of Nature.

The SOW was inaugurated in 1949 by C. Jinarajadasa, the fourth International President of the TS, to revive the 1922 Adyar School initiated by Annie Besant. This school was named Brahmavidyā Āśrama, which has almost the same meaning as the School of the Wisdom.


In-person courses

In-person courses take place at Adyar, Chennai India - the International Headquarters of the TS. Mainly for members. Non-members through a process.


Online classes

Online courses are arranged via Zoom.  They are available by registering to the Course via the link in each course.


Additional activities

During the Courses at Adyar, certain activities are arranged. One is to get familiar with the campus and the other is a workshop of chanting. 

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Applying to the School

The SOW is meant for members of the Theosophical Society to deepen their understanding in theosophy, making it a living force in daily life.

While the courses are primarily offered for free to members of The Theosophical Society, non-members can still access the course by paying the fee mentioned in the course description. By making the payment, you are not only gaining access to the course of your choice but also contributing to the growth and continuity of the School's work. Your support will help us in providing quality resources. Thank you.

Recommended readings about the SOW:

The School of the Wisdom

by Jinarajadasa and Radha Burnier

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An Unending Path

by Tim Boyd

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Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Society

by nn

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Why Theosophy is left undefined?

by N. Sri Ram

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Adyar as a Spiritual Centre

by J. Krishnamurti

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What Is Truth?

by H. P. Blavastky

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